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Gamepunch trollers.(N-Word, Freekilling, Cheating in LR. etc)

Discussion in 'Report a Player' started by Luxxy, Dec 8, 2019.

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  1. Luxxy

    Luxxy Member

    Sep 17, 2019
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    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198884160960 -Yio (pitch black BBC)
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983388479 - Noob (JungleTITS)

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036252346 - Blur (LesBianz)

    Server:  CS:S Jailbreak

    Yio - STEAM_0:0:461947616 (pitch black BBC)
    Noob - STEAM_0:1:511561375 (JungleTITS)
    Blur - STEAM_0:0:37993309 (Lesbians)

    Reason: These guys came on from gamepunch, starting trolling by pretending they have never played jailbreak before, they brought some of their friends and went CT. They started saying the n word and being racist to most on the server. For example they said "alright n**gers go to the bottom of the cell ramp" it is clear to hear in the demo as he says this around 3-4 times. (this is Yio named as pitch black BBC on at the time.) The other guy (noob, named as JungleTITS at the time) was also saying the n word, he was free killing and cheating in LR. They were both free killing just because they felt like it. They had killed me a few times for the reason "I'm sick of you talking" when i tried to tell them to stop saying the N-word. The demos show clear proof of whats happened and I hope this gets dealt with quickly because they said they were coming back on.
    They were also abusing the voteban and votectban feature as they tried to ban me for no reason and a few other members that were online.
    As I am not Admin anymore no action could have been taken on the spot, we tried to voteban them but they over ruled this because they had their friends on voting no each time.

    Click on the file names, ex - fkill_1.dem

    Tick = 0 / 118641 = Blur - STEAM_0:0:37993309 (Lesbians) pretends that he doesn't know what he is doing and is just trolling.
    Tick = 2000 / 118641 = Being free shot by Noob - STEAM_0:1:511561375 (JungleTITS)
    Tick = 71224 / 118641 = Me explaining how to become warden by typing !warden or by speaking first. He knew then began to warden like he has been doing for years, mystik took just a little bit more of a 1 step, when coming out of his cell, normally you wouldn't kill for that but he killed and when i tried to explain to him to give a warning shot he literally shouts Please do no speak over warden.
    Tick = 81000 / 118641 = He is fully aware that i'm warden that I have said on mic about 5 times, "Dude, I am warden" he carries on progressing the round as "warden" killing people who don't obey him "Free killing" so pretty much at the end of this round it is all mass freekilling, that whole round he just continues to ignore me when i said I am warden and that he is breaking the rules.

    Tick = 781 / 60130 = Free kill on me and Mystik.
    Tick = 6000 / 60130 = Free kill on me for the reason. - I gotta get rid of this guy
    Tick = 10400 / 60130 = (Yio - STEAM_0:0:461947616) saying the N-Word around 4 times. Then at tick 10800 he says It again.
    Tick = 12640 / 60130 = (Yio - STEAM_0:0:461947616) Free killing "Gor" in my cell.
    There is plenty more evidence of them being trolls in that demo, i have just listed some of the closer to the start ones.

    This is just another map of them trolling and messing around, same stuff as before, cheating in lr, being nasty and just making our player base go down.
    These guys are nothing but trolls, always stating in chat that Gamepunch is better than Hell which is complete bullshit. These guys keep coming back and trolling, Hell members aren't welcome to even play on GP from what they told us, but the GP members can troll on Hell and think it's fine.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  2. Luxxy

    Luxxy Member

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thank You. I've not a problem with them playing ofc, and as you say nor do you guys mind us on either, my problem is the racism, trolling and other things such as that, it could have been dealt with there and then but they decided to do different. Waiting for a HeLL admin to reply then they proper action can be taken on our servers
    Thanks for the reply.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  3. Nomy

    Nomy Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Banned. Thanks for the report.
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