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This is for lil old Lofty, it's only a report a player if he doesn't send the clip

Discussion in 'Unban & Unmute Requests' started by nicky, Feb 14, 2021.

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  1. nicky

    nicky Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2018
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    Name:         NickyTheOwned

    Server:      Hell jb server

    SteamID:   76561199026942663 (My steam id)

    Reason:      I got ctbanned I don't really care for the ctban but the reason since on my screen I killed a guy in a vent and got slayed for "Freekilling Lofty" I'll take my wrong after I see the video evidence he said he had and that's about it, also if this is not a place where I report these kinds of stuff you can just reply and relay me to the suited channel since I don't often do threads

    Proof:I have none since I wasn't recording myself but I'd like to see Lofty's evidence
  2. Boy

    Boy Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I think unban/unmute section would be more appropriate for this thread. As you are seeking reason/evidence for CT ban and potentially requesting unban. So, I've moved the thread for you.

    Please wait for @lofty's response. It is worth noting the CT ban is for 30 mins as T spent alive.
  3. lofty

    lofty Junior Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    At work until later so will have to do it when I'm home.

    Like I said @nicky, it was only a 30 min ban to get you to cool your jets a bit. On a couple of occasions you had freekilled the wrong T (including me for the second time, which prompted me to ctban you) which was also after you had warnings already and told to be careful who you're shooting at, to which you acknowledged

    You said you killed a T that was in vent, and I agree you did. But the way you shot also caused you to free kill me who was stood by the vent and was only guilty really of throwing a flash into it.

    Other players had complained about you going into vents without knowing a T was in there (although I have no evidence of this personally)

    After I had banned you, you the proceeded to "heckle" from spectator, complaining about it, saying "it's clear I'm a payadmin" and asking for my discord. I don't really want stuff like that handing out over css chat, and you was instructed to go to the forums if you wanted, to which you eventually did after I had logged off and me being a padmin has nothing to do with the situation. Could have been any other padmin or su..

    The ban would be lifted now, providing you continued playing as T for 30 mins but will bring up the evidence later at some point I you really want it.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  4. Skip

    Skip Member
    ]HeLL[ Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    I will concur with what Lofty has replied. I was freekilled twice by you yesterday (once when I had lr and once during a round).

    This doesn't need any further action, please be more careful with who you are killing and try to play on T for a bit longer.

    You can find all the rules here.
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