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Discussion in 'Report a Player' started by Duro58, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. Duro58

    Duro58 Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Name:   Sui      

    Server:   Jailbreak  

    SteamID:   STEAM_0:1:40140804

    Reason:  Was chosen as tank on special day. And when I killed Sui he started going toxic, telling me im ''pussy'' several times in chat after I killed him (didnt offend me). So I responded to that with ''drm is je moer dood sui'' which means ''thats why your ass is dead sui'' (moer is another word for ass in dutch). And he started throwing insults about my family, telling me he fucked my grandparents and what not.

    [​IMG][​IMG] Seperate occassion from yesterday, wasn't offended. However, forwarding it because admins have mentioned homophobic provoking (/insulting) being unallowed. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  2. Skip

    Skip Member
    ]HeLL[ Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    I have had the screenshots translated by another admin and have been told that the insults roughly translate to " I fuck your mum" in English, these sorts of comments are all over the internet and I don't think anyone takes them to heart and rather see it as a joke. From what I've seen in-game and in the screenshots I think this is a two way battle and that you're provoking each other to produce a reaction. Therefore, I will warn you both (@Suicide) to be less disrespectful towards each other rather than creating pointless and petty arguments.

    @Suicide please don't use any homophobic slurs/slang to be disrespectful. Be mindful of this considering you've had plenty of mutes/gags since your last permanent silence.

    Thanks for the report.
  3. Suicide

    Suicide Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2013
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    Moer means mom in dutch as well, so was quite the disrespect to my family which I did not appreciate. That's why I said it back and of course you reported me for it, which I think is really pathetic. If you say something bad online, expect that bad things are going to be said to you as well. Don´t say bad stuff online in dutch, translate it differently here where a lot of people do not speak Dutch and try to put me in a bad spotlight.

    If you cant handle that people call you a pussy, don't say bad words back. Just tell me to stop because your feelings were hurt by my comment via internet and I will stop talking to you if you are that sensitive. If you can handle it, which you have shown by calling me and my family names as well, then don't report me for it lol.

    Link for screenshot since the URL picture isn't showing

    I called you a pussy since you camped in that exact spot in the screenshot until the map nuke came on (when the timer reaches 01:30), that's when you moved. You stood there for around 9 minutes with 2500 hp and there were 5 people left. After that, you begin to disrespect my mother so I indeed say something back.

    I like the editing and cutting in your screens, glad I saw you making screenshots so I made my own as well.

    I see you using homophobic words and other words that are not allowed too in chat, either in Dutch or in English so I really do not understand why you would report me for it if you do it yourself. Guess everybody needs to be taking screenshots of each other then and use it when the time is right?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
  4. Skip

    Skip Member
    ]HeLL[ Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Exactly my point you both have been provoking each other. The warning stands, if either of you are seen doing it again you will be punished accordingly. I suggest you stay away from each other and try to be more civilised.
  5. Duro58

    Duro58 Junior Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Moer means mom in dutch ''as well'' yes and has a variety of definitions depending on the sentence, and if you read the sentence in the chatbox, you can clearly make up that I didn't mean your mother as there would be zero reason to mention your mother in this scenario, and it wouldnt make a logical dutch sentence either. What would I insult your mother for, because im the one that killed you? That doesn't makes sence so twisting the context of ''moer'' to another definition you want it to be won't make you any innocent as no dutch person would give it the meaning of ''mother'' if you read that line, I meant ass with it like I mentioned above and said ''thats why I killed your ass'' after you kept moaning about dying. I ignored it the first time, and gave people my location so they could look me up instead of searching around. You then threw another one (everything is visible in the screenshots), and when I reacted to you with something that had zero weight to it, you decided to tell me that you have fucked my dead grandparents.

    If you actually had the ability to read in the first place, you would have noticed in the report that im not being offended over ''pussy'' or ''homo'' (literally wrote it twice at reasoning, and inside the spoiler) but over the fact that you go out of line insulting dead people over nothing, while you're already known for being toxic and disrespectful like that. I dont need to put you in a bad spotlight, people can type what you say in Google translator and see for themselves that you're insulting ancestors, half the server speaks dutch/belgian so ''a lot of people do not speak Dutch'' and putting you in bad ''spot light'' is said for no reason now.

    False accusation, where in those screenshots do you see editing and cutting especially since it hasn't been cut or edited? You added the exact same screenshot as what I have but with yellow highlighting, so what are you showing now that im supposed to cut or hide? Absolutely nothing, so either respond when you're sober and stay to the subject or dont reply at all, im reading nothing but drama and a copied concept of what im blaming you for.

    They don't translate to ''I fuck your mum'' and it doesnt require effort to find that out either. This kind of offense is usually taken seriously so its strange how he gets a warning while being on repeat with the disrespecting.

  6. Skip

    Skip Member
    ]HeLL[ Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    After further translations and looking at the rest of the evidence, Sui can be silenced for a week for disrespect and obscene language.

    As previously mentioned I want both of you to be respectful to each other and stop provoking each other.
  7. Suicide

    Suicide Senior Member

    Feb 10, 2013
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    Ridicouless, he literally says: "thats why your mom is dead" because I call him a pussy for camping. After that I offend him as well and only I get a week silence?

    I have never heard in my life that the dutch word moer means ass as in "your ass". It means your mom. Ofcourse only I get the silence. Duro provokes my by calling out my family, I call his family out and only I get the silence. Very fair since he started it and provoked me.

    Why would you think I would disrespect your family. You disrespected mine so I did it back, which is not the righ way to handle thing of course, but it is very weird that only I get punished.

    With the cutting and edditing I meant only showing what I said and taking multiple screens of what I said and not what you've said, while I have everything that is said in 1 screenshot of us both.

    Kind of unfair in the way of handling things in my opinion, but I guess it is what it is.
  8. Skip

    Skip Member
    ]HeLL[ Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    From what I've been told you are being much more aggressive and disrespectful in the screenshots compared to Duro. Therefore, the silence was put in place.

    I think the fact that you both need to speak another language to insult shows that you both realise you're in the wrong. Take more responsibility and rise above situations like this in the future and report the players that are being rude and disrespectful towards you rather than creating extra aggro for all of us.