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jb_brikkenwood updates

Discussion in 'Maps' started by ppengu, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. ppengu

    ppengu The Experienced

    Apr 30, 2011
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    Tweaking a few things that annoy me so wanting to see what suggestions the players have.

    Remember the main points of the map when suggestion, things like gun cells and instance teleport are a no go.

    • CT sided map
    • T's need to work together in order to stance a chance when rebelling
    • Games
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  2. Chasin

    Chasin Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    As discussed with you together i do see room for improvements. Its one of my favorite maps so I would love to see it even better!

    The vent is designed to make the T's work together. 95% of the time i play this map, Terrorists dont realise they can use teamwork to open the vent by using the Smoke, flash and HE grenade. So what i would suggest is this to encourage more teamwork:
    - Add a little window from the HE cell towards the vent cell, so the guy with the HE grenade can help the guy in vent cell without having the cells to be open.

    Grav Race:
    - Change the layout a bit maybe, so shortcuts dont work anymore. Add more 90 degree corners, so theres actually a chance to mess up.

    Simon Says:
    - As we discussed, maybe add the 100% error screen, instead of 1/4 times.

    Outside race:
    - Maybe a few changes. Make the climb on the last bit a bit less shorter, because i see everyone who use the ramp win the race. They shouldnt be able to win the race, if they mess up the strafe ramp once.
    - Dont make it able to crouch through the entrance, often rounds get delayed because of people doing this.

    - Add a gun toss ramp
    - shot 4shot area
    - move the buttons from Wipeout/jumping rope away from the entrances of those games. I often get annoyed as a warden by Terrorists pressing these buttons every single time.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
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  3. RSWReece

    RSWReece Member

    May 1, 2016
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    Hey Ppengu, good to see you're still around. Must say jb_brikkenwood is one of my favourite jailbreak maps, so nice to see that you're considering updating/making improvements. There's only a few improvements I'd like to see really.

    Grav Race:
    I think grav race on this map is the main part that a lot of Warden's hate taking the T's into, as it's quite easy for the T's to rebel, as there really isn't a good place for the CT's to be whilst they're in there. They cant go either side once they enter, as that's where the T's will be. Not quite sure how you'd fix this, outside of maybe making wooden doors (like those at the start of outside race perhaps) covering the left and right hand side of grav race, so the CT's have more protection whilst being in there.

    Wrecking Ball:

    I think the wrecking ball game is quite fun, however quite tame, with the T's being able to knife it and stuff, I'd personally prefer if the platform the T's are on was bigger, but the ball moved more erratically (similar to the ball game on SpyVsSpy). Think it would make the game more fun.

    This isn't a very good suggestion, as I don't really know how to implement this, more food for thought. I find the soccer on this map very vanilla/underwhelming, which is surprising as the rest of the map itself feels quite unique. I'm really not sure what changes to make, but perhaps some could be made?

    LR Room:
    I always think LR rooms are helpful and actually get used, perhaps be worth considering implementing.
  4. J.Gatsby

    J.Gatsby Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    for once I agree with @RSWReece (arsehole). The only thing I would add to Reece's suggestions are that a roof be added to soccer arena. I have been told that using the ball to project yourself on to the roof is not cheating but I feel it offers unfair advantage to anyone able to access it during special days in in particular.

    Great to see maps being modded still. Thanks @ppengu.
  5. kenny7

    kenny7 The Experienced

    Sep 21, 2018
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    You can't get up on the roof on SD's tho not even as CT or T.
  6. J.Gatsby

    J.Gatsby Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    You can. Last time I played that map we had a ffd and two players, @WildFire being one can't remember the other, were up there. That's how I know it not against the rules because I said to Wild that I thought it was a bit harsh sitting up there. He told me it is not against the rules.

    (As far as I remember it was Wildfire but I may be wrong. It was deffo a Clan member tho.)
  7. Ara Ara

    Ara Ara Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    @ppengu Good to see you and nice to know you might be updating the map, here are some thoughts for the map. :happy:

    1 Adding a 2nd vent that goes to soccer
    2 Adding two nades in the cells total
    3 Removing the cell area stairs and replacing it with more of ladders at both corners of the cells
    (I'll explain why)
    4 moving the armoury vent closer to the top right corner of the cell and making the wall a little more bulletproof
    5 removing the catwalk to the cell button and replacing it with a open and close button 2 steps away from the cells
    6 Moving the armoury exit in front of the boxes where the nade is where the cell button stairs is
    7 Making the armoury less campy

    Time to explain all these I guess,
    1 Adding a 2nd vent to soccer is a good and bad thing, depending on the cell that its placed in it can be extremely broken and give t's a free vent to break and go in or it can make it so t's have to nade said cell and hop in it to actually break it, all depends on what cell its in.

    2 just add 2 nades, having 1 is kinda useless to be honest

    3 Removing the stairs and adding a ladder makes it harder for the t's to be commanded in cell area and in general just makes it harder for ct's to watch the t's

    4 take for example spyvspy, the vent cell can be broken with the t hiding behind a wall and the ct's being unable to kill him, this is bad for a map but since ct's get nades and if the wall was a lil more bullet broof but not 100% it would make knifing the vent so much easier for the t's but still give the ct's a chance to knife it

    5 The current state of the map is, knife vent to die, one step freeze, close cells after 5 seconds, then 5 seconds later the t's are moved to the top of the stairs and thats it, map over, the ct's already made it to lr as the t's have no way of rebelling without getting shot down, moving the cells button closer to the cells and removing the catwalk that its one would make it so closing the cells is more of a risk and makes it so t's that wanna rush and nade the soccer vent have it a bit easier since ct's cant just stare at them from across the room

    6 moving the armoury exit is crucial when it comes to timing with vents breaking and t's being able to line up nades, moving the exit would stop ct's just rushing to vent cell instantly.

    7 For the love of all things holy make the armoury less campy, idk how many times a rebeller has gotten into armoury and with only one way in and a ladder leading into the vent its impossible for any ct to kill a guy in armoury if the t has any motor function in his brain and camps the vent

    The map is good, the games are fun, the pathing is somewhat simple, the ct sided issue as far as I'm aware after countless hrs on the map is the only problem I have with it, simple small adjustments would help but too many could just turn the map into a new summer map making it impossible to play, good luck in trying to balance the map.
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