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Fix your jailbreak server

Discussion in 'Server Problems & Suggestions' started by BackToBattle, Oct 3, 2017.

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  1. BackToBattle

    BackToBattle Newbie

    Jun 18, 2017
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    Me and my pals have been playing on your jailbreak server for many months now and it is despicably over run with the same 3 admins that constantly abuse and do not understand how to use there power.

    Me and everyone I play with have been banned by Pure with actually no evidence at all. He came into our teamspeak server to discuss our problems and the entire time did not supply any evidence of us actually "trolling" the server. The only thing that was claimed is that we were ghosting only because we were in the same teamspeak server together.

    This is not an unban request, imo we are most likely done with the server because it completely ridiculous how annoying they are, and I should not have to potentially pay for admin to voice my opinion to the admins in the server who refuse to listen or understand.

    As for Pure specifically I would very much like you to come in to the teamspeak again so we can actually discuss your reason for banning ALL of us.

    I never thought that these admins would become so big of an issue for us that I would have to make a post nor did I ever take screenshots or record anything to prove that they are causing issue for a large majority of the players that join your server, I guess if I am ever unbanned I will have to spend less time playing the game and focus on taking screenshots and recordings to prove how bad these admins really are.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
  2. suRpr1zE

    suRpr1zE Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    If the server is so awful with constant abusing admins why play there for months with all your friends?

    Banned by Nomy, not Pure. As this is not an unban request you can focus your time on finding other servers to play on.

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