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trolling nonstop, cheat lr and abusing votes

Discussion in 'Report a Player' started by xViper, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. xViper

    xViper Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Name:         conor mcgregor

    Server:      JB

    SteamID:   STEAM_0:0:186707514

    Reason:      He has been trolling me nonstop when ever he is in the server he is always trying to find excuses and trolling to try to get me ctbanned for no reason and keeps abusing the votectban on me.

    In the first demo he cheats in lr twice first in the first round and then again at 57k tick he tries to get me killed by doing russian roulette in the deathrun doors

    In second demo it was a freeday because the cells opened and 2 seconds after the cells opened he said get in the water everyone was saying it was a freeday even the admin but he didn't listen and freekilled 3 people and only got slayed for it

    In third demo before i started recording conor commanded "knife the vent to die" so i killed the 2 people knifing vent in the cell and one of them said i freekilled him and i said to him that he was knifing vent that is why he was killed, but conor takes advantage of this situation and starts a votectban on me for "freekilling" when i killed the guy that was knifing the vent and after this he keeps spamming the votectban on me for no reason again.

    Proof: https://www.filedropper.com/conor
  2. JayJay

    JayJay Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    By looks of demo's Conner doesn't really deserves a punishment.

    First Demo, He did Russian roulette you didn't die by the deathrun door. He did several times with different CTs after no issues.

    Second Demo, appears he has mic issues or players have sound issues, Some hear the commands and some don't.
    However the admin in the server slayed him and that is resolved there.

    Third Demo, He does vote ct-ban you how ever, you've explained yourself one shouted out freekill maybe he wasn't knifing the vent, You didn't get ct-banned. so I'm lost...

    I've just wasted 60 mins watching 3 long ass demos with nothing worthy in them.
    Please try to provide evidence showing issues and time stamped a little.

    I'll be giving conor a warning on the use of vote ctban, also I'll tell him to check his mic settings.

    I would say what issues you have with each other please resolve them.

    No action needed

    Thank you for the report.
  3. xViper

    xViper Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    But what about when he constantly spams the votectban on me to get me ct banned for no reason always when ever he gets in the server even if i dont do anything
  4. JayJay

    JayJay Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    He wasn't the only one who was initiating vote ctban, vote kick,

    No one actually got banned through out the process. Players in server was actually smart!

    AS said above he will be warned and if he does it again with out reason he will be punished.
  5. Rab

    Rab Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    first demo - i dont cheat in lr so...

    second demo- i said get in the waaaar twice before cells opened. i got slayed because the admin got trolled by players like you. funny how some people heard me and some 'didn't'.

    third demo- you did freekill one of the players in vent cell. he was no where near the vent when i said dont knife it. you deserved to be ct banned for freekilling and attempting to cover it up. i was also trying to vote ct ban you because you ruined 2 of my rounds already that day by opening the cells as soon as i started commanding. you shouldnt open cells till the warden oks it.

    it's funny how you were constantly trying to sabotage my rounds and you have the nerve to cry when i am legit trying to ctban you. i will be watching you.

    please stop wasting mine and admins time scythe. thanks!

    er- i have a few screengrabs of you disrespecting admins, trolling, whining and i have complete demos of the rounds of mine you have ruined but i'll save them for the big report.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  6. xViper

    xViper Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    I already said in the post that i saw both of them knifing the vent in the cell that is why i killed them 1 was front of me and the other one was hiding behind the small wall when he was knifing the vent,

    And about opening the cells i already told you that i was not the one that opened the cells it was a different ct but you kept blaming it on me
  7. Boy

    Boy Administrator
    Super Admin ]HeLL[ Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Lol "for the big report", dont bother. You have built yourself such a reputation and for that you have to be extra smart. You are slacking atm, either play on server or appear on forums, cant have both.

    @xViper I know you make reports about players and they are very helpful, but please make sure we are not going to start reporting every small little stuff that happens on server or personal feuds or disagreements amongst yourselves. As initially mentioned by jayjay, sort it out between yourselves. Cases like this either get ignored or ends up in having both sides punished.